6 octubre, 2017
Oferta Investigación Magíster
Evaluation of groundwater sources and partitioning in pre-Andean hard-rock aquifers – Application to the Pirque site (Metropolitan Region)
General information
The research project is to be carried out within the Magister de Ciencias de le Ingenieria of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC).
The research project and the Magister are to start at the beginning of 2018.
The supervisor is Sarah Leray, Assistant Professor of the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (DIHA) of the Escuela de Ingenieria (IngUC) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC). The project involves the following collaborations with: (1) Gonzalo Yañez, Associate Professor from the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (PUC); (2) The Municipality of Pirque; (3) the Nacional Forest Corporation CONAF (in the Metropolitan Region) and the manager of the Reserva Nacional Rio Clarillo.
Assessment of the interplay of structural, climatic and topographic controls in hard-rock aquifers – Implications for groundwater partitioning, recharge and resources
General information
The research project is to be carried out within the Magister de Ciencias de le Ingenieria of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC).
The research project and the Magister are to start at the beginning of 2018.
The supervisor is Sarah Leray, Assistant Professor of the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (DIHA) of the Escuela de Ingenieria (IngUC) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC)