Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Romero, L., Reppucci, A., Egido, A., Matte, E., Caparrini, Fernández, B., and L. Castro (2012)

Streamflow prediction based on satellite and in situ measurements for hydro studies in central Chile

Revista : Hydropower and Dams
Volumen : 2012
Número : 1
Páginas : 54,58
Tipo de publicación : Revistas


the need for accurate short and mid term forecasting of the flow generated from snowmelt in mountain basins is an important issue for water management and hydropower activities in a number of areas on a global scale. As a result of the remoteness and difficult acces to basin s in cold weather conditions, where in-situ monitorng and metherological statiosn are scarce, accurate flow predictions cannot be easily implemented becouse of the lack of available data to constrain numerical models. A modelling method described here is based on data from earth observartions satellites.