Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Rudnick H. (2012)

Evolution of energy: Global developments and challenges. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MPE.2012.2187228

Revista : IEEE Power & Energy Magazine
Volumen : 10
Número : 3
Páginas : 12-19
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


The main challenges facing humanity during the next 50 years are 1) access to energy, water, and food, in that order, to supply a fast-growing population and 2) the ability to achieve that access without impacting the environment while coping with climate change. With a world population of around 10,000 million (10 billion by U.S. metrics) people by 2050, the first and most urgent challenge is to have abundant and affordable energy to make life easier and comfortable for the population. With abundant energy resources, sea water could be treated and transported. With abundant energy and water, one could assume that raising enough food would be achievable. thus, energy is the base of global concerns, and that is clearly recognized today just by looking at everyday events where energy is the root of many of the world’s conflicts.