Últimas Publicaciones
Marianov V., Snyder S., ReVelle C. (2001) Trading Off Species Protection And Timber Production In Forests Managed For Multiple Objectives Symposium on Models and Systems in Forestry Chile Forest 2002, Punta de Tralca, Chile, March 4 7, 2002.
“FERNANDEZ, J.E., DE CEA, J. y Briones , J. (2001) “”Evaluation of Policies for the Operation of the Market of Urban Taxi Services”” IX World Conference on Transport Research, Seoul, Korea, Julio 2001.”
“Freire, J. y Alarcón L. F. (2001) “Mejoramiento del Proceso de Diseño en Proyectos”, . Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, Vol. 16, Nº 1, Enero-Junio 2001, pp. 61-71″
16 1 pp. 61-71
Alarcón L. F. and Ashley, D. B. (2001) Assessing Project Execution Strategies for Embassy Projects CIB World Building Congress, April 2001, Wellington, New Zealand, Vol. 1., pp. 359-370
pp. 359-370
Marianov V., Serra D. (2001) Location of Multiple-Server Common Service Centers or Public Facilities ISOLDE IX, Fredericton & St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, June 12 18, 2002.
Marianov V., Fresard F. (2001) A Model for the Determination of Jail Location, Capacities and Districting: Application to Chile ISOLDE IX, Fredericton & St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, June 12 18, 2002.
H. Jorquera (2001) Air quality in Santiago Chile: A box model approach: I. CO, NOx and SO2 Atmospheric Environment, 2002 (en prensa).
H. Jorquera (2001) Air quality in Santiago Chile: A box model approach: II. PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter fractions Atmospheric Environment, 2002 (en prensa).
H. Jorquera, W. Palma y J. Tapia (2001) Forecasting ground ozone levels at Santiago, Chile Journal of Forecasting, (en prensa), 2002.
Abusleme A.,
Cipriano A., Guarini M. (2001) Fuzzy control for the Kadet Senior radiocontrolled airplane. Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, September 4-7, pp. 136, 6 pages.
pp. 136
CoeymansJ.E. y Hernandez P. (2001) Análisis de la convergencia de los programas Transyt y Saturn en Redes no lineales Actas del X Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte
“DE CEA J. y FERNANDEZ J.E. (2001) A Symultaneous Equilibrium Model to Analyze and Evaluate “”Multimodal Urban Transportation Systems with Multiple User Classes”” IX World Conference on Transport Research, Seoul, Korea, Julio 2001.”
Ricardo Raineri (2001) Propiedad Privada, Estado Empresario y Principio de Subsidiariedad: Las Ideas de Antaño con Herramientas de Hoy Revista Chilena de Derecho, Vol. 28. No. 2, pp. 311-344 (2001).
28 2 pp. 311-344
Regan y Garrido (2001) Modeling Freight Dem and Shipper Behavior: State of the Art, Future Directions The Leading Edge of Travel Behaviour Research. Editado por D Hensher, Pergamon Press, 2002
L. Contesse (2001) An Inner Nested Decomposition Strategy for a Multireservoir Hydropower Problem Actas de Resúmenes IX International Conference on Stochastic Programming, University of Humbolt, Agosto 2001