A low cost solution for listening to regular RSS feeds trough a simple telephone
Revista : 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and ApplicationsTipo de publicación : Conferencia No A* ni A
Podcasting has been increasing in popularity in the last two years. People are getting used to listen to their favourite audio programs any time and everywhere. Long commute times associated to living in big cities has certainly contributed to the popularity of contents in audio format. Nevertheless, although there exists a wide selection of programs that one can subscribe to, it cannot possible compare with what is available as regular RSS feeds. Thousands of feeds carrying the most diverse kind of specialized contents are available and ready for consumption. It seems then attractive, to be able to listen to this material while walking or driving in the same way people is listening to podcasts today. Furthermore, it would be nice if you can do it without having to buy an expensive special purpose device. In this paper we present a very low cost solution that allows a person to listen to the RSS feeds of her choice while she is away, trough his regular low cost cell phone.