Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Gutiérrez S. (2006) A Necessary Condition for the Quasiconvexity of Polynomials of Degree Four. Journal of Convex Analysis (Revista ISI) vol. 13 n.1, 51-60. (2006)

A necessary condition for the quasiconvexity of polynomials of degree four

Revista : Journal of Convex Analysis (Revista ISI)
Volumen : 13
Número : 1
Páginas : 51-60
Tipo de publicación : Otros


Using ideas from Compensated Compactness, we derive a necessary condition for any fourth degree polynomial on R^p to be sequentially lower semicontinuous with respect to weakly convergent fields defined on R^N. We use that result to derive a necessary condition for the quasiconvexity of fourth degree polynomials of m x N gradient matrices of vector fields defined on R^N. This condition is violated by the example given by Sverák for m=> 3 and N=> 2, of a fourth degree polynomial which is rank-one convex, but it is not quasiconvex. These classes of functions are used in the approach to Nonlinear Elasticity based on the Calculus of Variations.