Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Arenas M., Pérez J., Reutter J. and Riveros C. (2009)

Composition and inversion of schema mappings

Revista : SIGMOD Record
Volumen : 38
Número : 3
Páginas : 17 - 28
Tipo de publicación : ISI


A schema mapping is a specification that describes how data from a source schema is to be mapped to a target schema. Schema mappings have proved to be essential for data-interoperability tasks such as data exchange and data integration. The research on this area has mainly focused on performing these tasks. However, as Bernstein pointed out [7], many information-system problems involve not only the design and integration of complex application artifacts, but also their subsequent manipulation. Driven by this consideration, Bernstein proposed in [7] a general framework for managing schema mappings. In
this framework, mappings are usually specified in a logical language, and high-level algebraic operators are used to manipulate them [7, 16, 33, 12, 8].
Two of the most fundamental operators in this framework are the composition and inversion of schema mappings. Intuitively, the composition can be described as follows. Given a mapping M1 from a schema A to a schema B, and a mappingM2 from B to a schema E, the
composition of M1 and M2 is a new mapping that describes the relationship between schemas A and E. This new mapping must be semantically consistent with the relationships
previously established by M1 and M2. On the other hand, an inverse of M1 is a new mapping that describes the reverse relationship from B to A, and is semantically consistent with M1.