Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020SPIE11447E..17C/abstract (2020)

Crescent MOONS: an update on the ongoing construction of the new VLT’s multi-object spectrograph

Revista : Proceedings of the SPIE
Volumen : 11447
Número : 17C
Páginas : 11
Tipo de publicación : Conferencia No DCC Ir a publicación


The Multi Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph (MOONS) instrument is the next generation multi-object spectrograph for the VLT. This powerful instrument will combine for the first time: the large collecting power of the VLT with a high multipexing capability offered by 1000 optical fibres moved with individual robotic positioners and a novel, very fast spectrograph able to provide both low- and high-resolution spectroscopy simultaneously across the wavelength range 0.64?m – 1.8?m. Such a facility will provide the astronomical community with a powerful, world-leading instrument able to serve a wide range of Galactic, Extragalactic and Cosmological studies. Th final assembly, integration and verification phase of the instrument is now about to start performance testing.