Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Arenas M., Croquevielle L.A., Jayaram R., Riveros C. (2020)

Efficient Logspace Classes for Enumeration, Counting, and Uniform Generation

Revista : SIGMOD Record
Volumen : 49
Número : 1
Páginas : 8
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


We study two simple yet general complexity classes, which provide a unifying framework for efficient query evaluation in areas like graph databases and information extraction, among others. We investigate the complexity of three fundamental algorithmic problems for these classes: enumeration, counting and uniform generation of solutions, and show that they have several desirable properties in this respect.Both complexity classes are defined in terms of non deterministic logarithmic-space transducers (NL transducers). For the first class, we consider the case of unambiguous NL transducers, and we prove constant delay enumeration, and both counting and uniform generation of solutions in polynomial time. For the second class, we consider unrestricted NL transducers, and we obtain polynomial delay enumeration, approximate counting in polynomial time, and polynomialtime randomized algorithms for uniform generation. More specifically, we show that each problem in this second class admits a fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) and a polynomial-time Las Vegas algorithm (with preprocessing) for uniform generation. Remarkably, the key idea to prove these results is to show that the fundamental problem #NFA admits an FPRAS, where #NFA is the problem of counting the number of strings of length n (given in unary) accepted by a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA). While this problem is known to be #P-complete and, more precisely, SpanL-complete, it was open whether this problem admits an FPRAS. In this work, we solve this open problem, and obtain as a welcome corollary that every function in SpanL admits an FPRAS.