Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Publicado bajo afiliación anterior, por largo proceso de publicación (2012)

Structuring dimensions for collaborative systems evaluation

Revista : ACM Computing Surveys
Volumen : 44
Número : 2
Páginas : Articulo No. 8
Tipo de publicación : Publicaciones WOS sin afiliación UC Ir a publicación


Collaborative systems evaluation is always necessary to determine the impact a solution will have onthe individuals, groups, and the organization. Several methods of evaluation have been proposed. Thesemethods comprise a variety of approaches with various goals. Thus, the need for a strategy to select themost appropriate method for a specific case is clear. This research work presents a detailed framework toevaluate collaborative systems according to given variables and performance levels. The proposal assumesthat evaluation is an evolving process during the system lifecycle. Therefore, the framework, illustrated withtwo examples, is complemented with a collection of guidelines to evaluate collaborative systems accordingto product development status.