Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Hensher, D., C. Mulley, D. Hidalgo, A. CarriganJ.C. Munoz (2011). The Complexity of BRT Development and Implementation. In VREF, 10 years with the FUT programme, pp 114-125; VREF, Gotheborg, Sweden. (2011)

The Complexity of BRT Development and Implementation

Tipo de publicación : Otros


The development and implementation of BRT requires political, institutional, financial and cultural challenges to be addressed. This chapter identifies the principal challenges including the role of high level political support and its connections to the decision making process and project planning, financial sustainability and the role of user fares, the linking and integration of new BRT systems with existing networks and the marketing, branding and information provision of the BRT system.This chapter considers examples and case studies from cities showing good and not so good practice in the development to demonstrate the complexity of BRT implementation. It concludes by providing some recommendations on approaches to minimize the known implementation challenges.