Profesor Asistente
Beda Barkokebas
- Biografía
- Biography
Beda Barkokebas ingeniero civil de la Universidad de Preámbulo, Brasil; Máster y Doctorado en University of Alberta, Canadá y ahora Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, nos entrega su visión de como la construcción fuera del sitio resulta ser un enfoque innovador.
Planificación de la digitalización en la construcción externa con modelado BIM como la tecnología clave
El proceso de fabricación de construcción modular es una operación compleja que combina el movimiento de productos de flujo de línea con una red de precedencia de actividad compleja.
Beda Barkokebas, a civil engineer from the University of Preámbulo, Brazil; with a Master’s and Doctorate from the University of Alberta, Canada; and currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering and Construction Management of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, provides us with his perspective on how off-site construction proves to be an innovative approach.
Planning for Digitization in Off-Site Construction with BIM Modeling as the Key Technology The process of modular construction manufacturing is a intricate operation that combines product flow line movement with a complex network of activity precedence.
"Las responsabilidades ambientales que enfrenta la Construcción requieren reducciones en el costo y el impacto ambiental de los edificios"
Más de 10 años de experiencia
BSc in Civil Engineering
University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
MSc in Construction Engineering and Management
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
PhD in Construction Engineering and Management
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
cursos dictados durante el 2023

Ingeniería de Construcción
Aplicar las metodologías en las principales etapas involucradas en su materialización, y realizarán presupuestos atingentes a este tipo de proyectos.

Seminario de Postgrado
Desarrollar y comunicar la investigación cientíca y elaborar propuestas de tesis originales individuales en el área de la Ingeniería Civil.
Líneas de Investigación
Recursos, tecnologías e ingeniería para una infraestructura sustentable y resiliente
Offsite construction / Industrialized construction / Operations research / Computer simulation / Machine learning / Data science / BIM
Recursos, tecnologías e ingeniería para una infraestructura sustentable y resiliente
Offsite construction / Industrialized construction / Operations research / Computer simulation / Machine learning / Data science / BIM
Barkokebas, B., Martinez, P., Bouferguene, A., Hamzeh, F., & Al-Hussein, M. (2023). Digitalization-based process improvement and decision-making in offsite construction. Automation in Construction, 155, 105052.
Barkokebas, B., Al-Hussein, M., & Hamzeh, F. (2023). Assessment of digital twins to reassign multiskilled workers in offsite construction based on lean thinking. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(1), 04022143.
Barkokebas, B., Khalife, S., Al-Hussein, M., & Hamzeh, F. (2021). A BIM-lean framework for digitalisation of premanufacturing phases in offsite construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 28(8), 2155-2175.
Martinez, P., Barkokebas, B., Hamzeh, F., Al-Hussein, M., & Ahmad, R. (2021). A vision-based approach for automatic progress tracking of floor paneling in offsite construction facilities. Automation in Construction, 125, 103620.
Ritter, C., Barkokebas, B., Zhang, Y., & Al-Hussein, M. (2020, March). A comparative study of offsite construction manufacturing techniques. In Construction Research Congress 2020 (pp. 495-504). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Alwisy, A., Bu Hamdan, S., Barkokebas, B., Bouferguene, A., & Al-Hussein, M. (2019). A BIM-based automation of design and drafting for manufacturing of wood panels for modular residential buildings. International Journal of Construction Management, 19(3), 187-205.
BuHamdan, S., Alwisy, A., Barkokebas, B., Bouferguene, A., & Al-Hussein, M. (2019). A multi-criteria lifecycle assessment framework for evaluating building systems design. Journal of Building Engineering, 23, 388-402.
Alwisy, A., Barkokebas, B., Hamdan, S. B., Gül, M., & Al-Hussein, M. (2018). Energy-based target cost modelling for construction projects. Journal of Building Engineering, 20, 387-399.
Hamdan, S. B., Barkokebas, B., Alwisy, A., Bouferguene, A., & Al-Hussein, M. (2018). Improved target-value design approach through the integration of environmental performance and reliability theory. In Construction Research Congress 2018 (pp. 574-583).
Barkokebas, B., Alsakka, F., Al-Hussein, M. and Hamzeh, F. (2022). » Digital twins to enable flexibility in offsite construction «. Lean Construction 4.0. Routledge, pp 223-239