Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Milovic C., Oses C., Villalon M., Uribe S., Lizama C., Prieto C., Andia M., Irarrázaval P. and Tejos C. (2013)

Calcium (Ca2+) waves data calibration and analysis using image processing techniques. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-14-162

Revista : BMC Bioinformatics
Volumen : 14
Número : 162
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


Calcium (Ca2+) propagates within tissues serving as an important information carrier. In particular, cilia beat frequency in oviduct cells is partially regulated by Ca2+ changes. Thus, measuring the calcium density and characterizing the traveling wave plays a key role in understanding biological phenomena. However, current methods to measure propagation velocities and other wave characteristics involve several manual or time-consuming procedures. This limits the amount of information that can be extracted, and the statistical quality of the analysis.

Our work provides a framework based on image processing procedures that enables a fast, automatic and robust characterization of data from two-filter fluorescence Ca2+ experiments. We calculate the mean velocity of the wave-front, and use theoretical models to extract meaningful parameters like wave amplitude, decay rate and time of excitation.

Measurements done by different operators showed a high degree of reproducibility. This framework is also extended to a single filter fluorescence experiments, allowing higher sampling rates, and thus an increased accuracy in velocity measurements.