Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Pedreschi, F. & Marioti, M.S. (2022). Production of the thermal contaminants during thrmal processing in both indstrialhome preparation of food (Pedreschi F. and Mariotti M.S. (2022) (BOOK CHAPTER 13). En “Present knowledge in food safety – A risk-based approach through the food chain”. Editado por Michael Knowles, Lucia Anelich, Alan Boobis, Bert Popping. Elsevier, NY 2022. (2022)

Production of the thermal contaminants during thermal processing in both indstrial and home preparation of food (Book chapter)

Revista : “Present knowledge in food safety – A risk-based approach" (BOOK)
Volumen : 9780128194706
Páginas : 211-217
Tipo de publicación : Otros Ir a publicación
