Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Espino R., Ortúzar J. de D. and Román C. (2007)

Understanding suburban travel demand: Flexible modelling with revealed and stated choice data. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2007.03.002

Revista : Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice
Volumen : 41
Número : 10
Páginas : 899-912
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


We analyse the choice of mode in suburban corridors using nested logit specifications with revealed and stated preference data. The latter were obtained from a choice experiment between car and bus, which allowed for interactions among the main policy variables: travel cost, travel time and frequency. The experiment also included parking cost and comfort attributes. The attribute levels in the experiment were adapted to travellers’ experience using their revealed preference information. Different model specifications were tested accounting for the presence of income effect, systematic taste variation, and incorporating the effect of latent variables. We also derived willingness-to-pay measures, such as the subjective value of time, that vary among individuals as well as elasticity values. Finally, we analysed the demand response to various policy scenarios that favour public transport use by considering improvements in level-of-service, fare reductions and/or increases in parking costs. In general, demand was shown to be more sensitive to policies that penalise the private car than those improving public transport