Mineral Economics
El hidrógeno verde: Una oportunidad clave para el desarrollo sostenible, Ricardo Raineri and Anders Beal, articulo op-ed en País Circular. https://www.paiscircular.cl/agenda-2030/el-hidrogeno-verde-una-oportunidad-clave-para-el-desarrollo-sostenible/ (2021)
País Circular
Latin America's awakened citizenry changes the equation for reforms, Ricardo Raineri and Philippe Benoit, articulo op-ed en The Hill. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/553622-latin-americas-awakened-citizenry-changes-the-equation-for-reforms/ (2021)
The Hill
The Climate Crisis: A Shared Opportunity for USLatin American Leadership? Ricardo Raineri and Anders Beal, articulo op-ed en The Global Americans. https://theglobalamericans.org/2021/10/the-climate-crisis-a-shared-opportunity/ (2021)
The Global Americans
Miembro del Grupo Tecnico de alto nivel para elaborar Informe elaborado en apoyo del Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre Energía convocado por el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas bajo los auspicios de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en septiembre de 2021, en respuesta a la resolución 74/225: THEME REPORT ON ENERGY TRANSITION: TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF SDG 7 AND NET-ZERO EMISSIONS Published by the United Nations Copyright © United Nations, 2021, Secretariat of the High-level Dialogue on Energy 2021 Division for Sustainable Development Goals Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations https://www.un.org/en/conferences/energy2021/about https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/2021-twg_2-062321.pdf (2021)
United Nations
As Latin America Looks to a COVID Recovery, It Will Need to Tackle its Growing Middle-Class Angst, Ricardo Raineri and Philippe Benoit, Articulo op-ed en Inter Press Services News Agencyhttps://www.ipsnews.net/2020/08/%E2%80%8Bas-latin-america-looks-covid-recovery-will-need-tackle-growing-middle-class-angst/ (2020)
Inter Press Services News Agency
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Energy Policy 122 459-473
Ricardo Raineri, 2017, "Energy Integration in South America: Experiences, Possible Benefits, RisksChallenges", p. 199-235, Libro Integration and Electric Security in Latin America, Gesel - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - EKLA, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. ISBN: 978-85-61843-65-6 (2017)
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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 45 584-598
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Ricardo Raineri, 2016, Integração Energética na América do Sul: Experiências, Possíveis Benefícios, Riscos e Desafios, pg. 216-254, libro Integração e Segurança Elétrica na América Latina, Gesel - Konrad Adenaur Stiftung - EKLA, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. ISBN: 978-85-61843-65-6 (2016)
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Capitulo 4 "Cargos de Acceso y Simultaneidad Tarifaria"del Libro "Telecomunicaciones: Convergencia y Nuevos Desafios", editado por Aldo González y publicado por La Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones del Gobierno de Chile y el Departamento de Economía de la Univertsidad de Chile. (2008)
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Electricity Market Reform: An International Perspective, Fereidoon P. Sioshansi y Wolfgang Pfaffenberger editores. Capítulo 3: Chile: Where it all started, pg. 77-108. Serie: Global Energy Policy and Economics, Elsevier 2006. (2006)
Electricity Market Reform: An International Perspective
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Proceedings 29th International Conference, International Association for Energy Economics
Global Corporate GovernanceTakeovers in Electric Utilities: The Case of ENERSIS, ENDESA, and DUKE Energy, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, en Special Issue on Advances in Energy Finances. Vol. 26, Nos. 1/2, pg. 170-212. 2006.
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Energy Journal 24 1 23-47
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Ricardo Raineri y Pablo Giaconni (2001) Price and Access Charge Discrimination in Electric Distribution: Aplication to the Chilean Case En proceso de referato en revista ISI internacional, Energy Economics (2001)
Ricardo Raineri (2001) Propiedad Privada, Estado Empresario y Principio de Subsidiariedad: Las Ideas de Antaño con Herramientas de Hoy Revista Chilena de Derecho, Vol. 28. No. 2, pp. 311-344 (2001). (2001)
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Ricardo Raineri y Andres Kuflick (2001) Secondary Market and Future Market for the Provision of Gas-Pipeline Transportation Capacity En proceso de referato en revista ISI internacional, The Energy Journal (2001)