Herrera M., Crempien J., Cembrano J. (2023)
Gerbault, M., Saez, F., Ruz Ginouvez, J., Iturrieta, P.,
Hurtado, D., and
Cembrano, J.: Coupled Poro-elasto-plastic models of transient fluid flow in response to a crustal strike-slip fault : insight from a geothermal setting in the South Andean volcanic zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 2428 Apr 2023, EGU23-4847, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4847, 2023. (2023)
Perez-Estay N., Ruz-Ginouves J., Perez-Flores P., Sielfeld G., Roquer T.,
Cembrano J., Perez-Flores P., Perez-Flores P. (2023)
Communications Earth & Environment 4 1
Masoch, S., Fondriest, M., Gomila, R., Pennacchioni, G.,
Cembrano, J., Di Toro, G.: Interplay between fluid flow and rock deformation in an exhumed hydrothermal fault-vein network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 2428 Apr 2023, EGU23-531, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-531, 2023. (2023)
AGU 2023
FREDDI, F., , Juan Carlos DE LA LLERA, Fernando GUTIÉRREZ-URZÚA, Jorge G. F. CREMPIEN, Sahin DEDE5, José A. GALLARDO, Tiziana ROSSETTO, Juan Pablo MUÑOZ, José CEMBRANO, Matías F. CHACÓN & Felipe RIVERA. 2023. Seismic response of isolated structures under subductioncrustal ground motions Analysis of a case study structure. In: Proceedings of Conference Earthquake riskengineering towards a resilient world (SECED 2023). Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, UK. (2023)
Gallardo, J., Juan Carlos De La Llera, Jorge Crempien, Fabio Freddi, Tiziana Rossetto, Jose Cembrano, Matías Chacón, Juan Pablo Munoz, Fernando Gutierrez-Urzua, Sahin Dede, 2023. Sensitivity of the earthquake response of a HDRB seismically isolated hospital to earthquakes on crustal faults. In: Proceedings of Conference Earthquake riskengineering towards a resilient world (SECED 2023). Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, UK. (2023)
SECED 2023 Conference, Cambridge, UK
Sanchez De La Muela Garzon, A., Ashley Stanton-Yonge, James Hammond, Thomas M Mitchell, W Ashley Griffith, Rebecca Pearce, Jose M Cembrano, Max Moorkamp, Stephen Paul Hicks. Shallow Intra-arc Seismicity Driven by Fluid Accumulation and Migration. American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, Diciembre, 2023 (2023)
RIVERA, F., Tiziana ROSSETTO, John TWIGG, José CEMBRANO, Juan Carlos DE LA LLERA, Jorge CREMPIEN6& Fabio FREDDI. 2023THE POLITICS OF CRUSTAL FAULTS: ISSUES AND CONTROVERSIES AROUND THE SAN RAMÓN FAULT IN CHILE. 2023. In: Proceedings of Conference Earthquake riskengineering towards a resilient world (SECED 2023). Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, UK. (2023)
Masoch S., Fondriest M., Gomila R., Jensen E., Mitchell T. M.,
Cembrano J., Di Toro G. (2022)
Journal of Structural Geology 165 104745
Novoa Lizama, C., Gerbault, M., Rémy, D.,
Cembrano, J., Lara, L., Tassara, A., Hassani, R., Baez, J. C., and Ruz, J.: Could the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone promote the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption ?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 1930 Apr 2021, EGU21-9519, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9519, 2021. (2022)
Gerbault, M., Saez, F., Ruz Ginouves, J.,
Cembrano, J., Iturrieta, P., Hurtado, D., Hassani, R., Browning, J.: Dilatation and shearing in tectono-volcanic systems from poro-elasto-plastic models set in the Southern Andes Volcanic Zone context, inferences on geofluid flow, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 2327 May 2022, EGU22-2289, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2289, 2022. (2022)
Masoch, S., Fondriest, M., Gomila, R., Jensen, E., Magnarini, G., Espinosa, J., Hofer, K., Mitchell, T.,
Cembrano, J., Pennacchioni, G., and Di Toro, G.: Geological imaging of a crustal-scale seismogenic source in the continental crust (Bolfin Fault Zone, Atacama Fault System, Chile), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 2327 May 2022, EGU22-1926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1926, 2022. (2022)
Novoa C., Gerbault M., Remy D.,
Cembrano J., Lara L.E., Ruz-Ginouves J., Tassara A., Baez J.C., Hassani R., Bonvalot R., Contreras-Arratia R. (2022)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 583 117386
González-Vidal D., Sens-Schöfelder C., Palma J.L., Quiero F., Franco L., Miller M., Lange D., Sielfeld G.,
Cembrano J. (2022)
Geophysical Journal International 231 1309-1323
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 570 117080
Clunes, M.,
Browning, J.,
Cembrano, J.,
Marquardt, C., and Gudmundsson, A.: Crustal folds alter local stress fields as demonstrated by magma sheet fold interactions in the Central Andes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 1930 Apr 2021, EGU21-13845, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13845, 2021. (2021)
EGU General Assembly 2021 EGU21-13845
Geophysical Journal International 227 2 11431167
Gomila R., Fondriest M., Jensen E., Spagnuolo E., Masoch S., Mitchell T. M., Magnarini G., Bistacchi A., Mittempergher S., Faulkner D.,
Cembrano J., Di Toro G. (2021)
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems
American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2021
Tectonophysics 810
Clunes, M.,
Browning, J.,
Marquardt, C.,
Cembrano, J., Villarroel, M., Rivera, O., Mpodozis, C.: Reconciling the location of lava domes and eruption centers in Paleocene-Eocene calderas in northern Chile, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 1930 Apr 2021, EGU21-13865, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13865, 2021. (2021)
EGU General Assembly 2021 EGU21-13865
Tectonics 40 e2021TC006
Ruz Ginouves J., Gerbault M.,
Cembrano J., Iturrieta P., Saez Leiva F., Novoa C., Hassani R. (2021)
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2021
Ruz et al., 2019. Field observations and numerical models of a Pleistocene- Holocene feeder dike swarm associated with a fissure complex to the east of the San Pedro-Pellado complex, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile (2020)
Lasi VI
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 107033
Costa C., Alvarado A., Audemard F., Audin L., Benavente C., Bezerra F.H.,
Cembrano J., González G., López M., Minaya E., Santibañez I., Garcia J., Arcila M., Pagani M., Pérez I., Delgado F., Paolini M., Garro H. (2020)
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 102837
Pearce, R. K., Sánchez de la Muela, A., Moorkamp, M., Hammond, J. O. S., Mitchell, T. M.,
Cembrano, J., et al. (2020). Reactivation of fault systems by compartmentalized hydrothermal fluids in the Southern Andes revealed by magnetotelluric and seismic dat (2020)
Tectonics 39 e2019TC005
Pérez-Estay N.,
Yañez G., Crempien J., Roquer T., Cembrano J., Valdenegro P., Aravena D.,
Arancibia G., Morata D. (2020)
Stanton-Yonge A.,
Cembrano J., Griffith W. A., Jensen E., Mitchell T. M. (2020)
Journal of Structural Geology 133 103993
Ore Geology Reviews
Rebecca Pearce, Almudena Sanches de la Muela; Max Moorkamp;Tom Mitchell;JoseCembrano-Perasso;Jaime Araya;James Hammond;Philip Meredith;Gonzalo Yañez.Crustal fault systemsgeothermal fluid flow in the Andean SouthernVolcanic Zone: New magnetotelluric and seismic evidence. (2019)
Geophysical Research AbstractsVol. 21, EGU2019-1632, 2019EGU General Assembly 2019© 21 EGU2019-16
Giulio Di Toro;Michele Fondriest;Thomas Mitchell;Rodrigo Gomila;Erik Jensen; Carlo Sommacampagna;Simone Masoch;Andrea Bistacchi;Giulia Magnarini;Dan Faulkner;JoséCembrano;Silvia Mittempergher. Frictional melting in fluid-rich faults (Bolfin Fault Zone, Chile) (2019)
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-3962, 2019EGU General Assembly 2019 21 EGU2019-39
Iturrieta, P., Stanton-Yonge, A., Pérez-Flores, P., Sielfeld, G.,
Cembrano, J. 2019. EGU2019-11999.Hydromechanical development of fault-controlled orogenic gold deposits: A numerical approach to constrain the spatial distribution of mineral reserve. (2019)
EGU2019-11999 21 1199
Tectonics 38 2 552578
Jose Cembrano;Ashley Stanton-Yonge;Pablo Iturrieta;W Ashley Griffinth. Long-short-term tectono-magmatic role of transverse fault systemsin the Andes: A combined geological and numerical approach. (2019)
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-5971-1, 2019 EGU General Assembly 2019 21 5971-1
Browning, J., Mitchell, T., Meredith, P.,
Cembrano, J., Marquardt, C.,
Cordeiro, P., Healy, D., Acocella, V., Gudmundsson, A., Geshi, N., Drymoni, K., Karaoglu, O., Mechanical architecture and dynamic evolution of caldera faults. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol 21. EGU2019-8098. 2019 (2019)
Ruz Ginouves, J.,
Browning, J.,
Cembrano, J., Sielfeld, G., Iturrieta, P., Stanton-Young, A. The interplay between Transverse faults and Pleistocene-Holocene systems in the Southern Volcanic Zone of Chile. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol 21. EGU2019-8171. 2019 (2019)
Sánchez De La Muela, A., Ruz, J.,
Cembrano, J. Marquardt, C., Mitchell, T., Nuñez Tapia, R., Figueroa, R. .Caracterización litoestratigráfica de la Cordillera Principal del alto Teno: aportes al entendimiento del estilo de deformación del Sistema de Falla el Fierro durante el Cenozoico Superior. XV Congreso Geológico Chileno (2018)
Actas XV Congreso Geológico Chileno.
Santibáñez, I.; Cembrano, J.; García-Perez, T.; Costa, C.; Yáñez, G.; Marquardt, C.; Arancibia; G., González, G. (2019). Crustal faults in the Chilean Andes: geological constraints and seismic potential. Andean Geology, v. 46, no 1, 32-65. (2018)
Andean Geology 46 1 32-65
Crustal paleo-stress and permeability in a strike-slip setting: insights from the Southern Volcanic Zone (38-39°S), Chile.Pamela Perez-Flores;José Cembrano;Pablo Sánchez-Alfaro. (2018)
Actas del XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
Exposure of Chilean Tailings to Earthquake Hazards from Potentially Seismogenic Crustal FaultsSteve Edwards, Felipe Aron, José Cembrano, Jorge Crempien, Joseph Gardner, Ramón Nazar, Carlos Ovalle, IsabelSantibáñez. (2018)
Actas XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
Jensen E., González G., Faulkner D.R.,
Cembrano J., Mitchell T.M. (2018)
Journal of Structural Geology 126 301-317
Ground motion simulations produced by newly identified potentially active crustal faults in Chile.Jorge Gustavo Federico Crempien;Felipe Aron;José Cembrano;Isabel Santibañez;Mario Seguel. (2018)
Actas XV congreso Geológico Chileno
Tectonophysics 736 1-14
Interplay between brittle deformation, fluid-rock interaction and mineralization in hydrothermal systems of the southern Andes.Pablo Sanchez-Alfaro;Martin Reich;Jose Cembrano;Pamela Perez-Flores. (2018)
Actas del XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
Investigación numérica de los efectos topográficos en la amplificación de ondas sísmicas usando SPECFEM3D Cartesian: elAcantilado Costero del Norte de Chile como caso de estudioTiaren García;Ana MG Ferreira; Gonzalo Yañez;Pablo Iturrieta;José Cembrano;Isabel Santibañez. (2018)
Actas del XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
Sielfeld G., Ruz J., Brogi A.,
Cembrano J., Stanton-Yonge A., Pérez-Flores P., Iturrieta P. (2018)
Tectonophysics 770 2282214
Resultados preliminares sismicidad cortical en una zona volcánica y geotermal activa, fiordo de Puyuhuapi, Aysén.Nicolás Andrés Pérez-Estay;Gonzalo Yáñez;Jorge Crempien;Diego Morata;Tomas Roquer;José Cembrano. (2018)
Actas del XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
Nuñez R., Griffith W., Mitchell T.,
Marquardt C., Iturrieta P.,
Cembrano J. (2017). Structuralnumerical modeling of fluid flow and evolving stress fields at a transtensional stepover: A Miocene Andean porphyry copper system as a case study. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans 11-15 December 2017. (2018)
AGU Fall Meeting
Structuralnumerical modeling of fluid flow and evolving stress fields at a transtensional stepover: A Miocene Andean porphyrycopper system as a case study.Rocío Consuelo Núñez;William Ashley Griffith;Carlos Marquardt;Tom Mitchell;Pablo Iturrieta;Jose Cembrano. (2018)
Actas del XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
The Caburgua micro-seismic sequence: crustal intra-arc faulting in Southern Andes. G. Sielfeld; J. Cembrano; D. Lange. (2018)
Actas XV Congreso Geológico Chileno.
The interplay between NE-striking transverse faults and Pleistocene-Holocene dike systems in the Southern Volcanic Zone. XV Congreso Geológico Chileno.Ruz, J., Sielfeld, G., Stanton Yonge, A., Iturrieta, P.,
Cembrano, J. (2018)
Actas XV Congreso Geológico Chileno.
Time-lapse monitoring of the unrest period of the Villarrica (or Ruka-Pillañ) volcano, Chile, occurred in 2015 from Coda-waveinterferometry. Diego González-Vidal;Dietrich Lange;Gerd Sielfeld;José Cembrano. (2018)
Actas XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
Understanding the tectono-magmatic system of the Transitional Southern Volcanic Zone (TSVZ), Chilean Andes, from seismicityanalysis. Almudena Sánchez De La Muela;James Hammond;Tom Mitchell;José Cembrano;Gerd Sielfeld;Rebecca Pearce;NeillMarshall. (2018)
Actas del XV Congreso Geológico Chileno
Geothermics 66 1 156-173
Roquer, T.;Arancibia, G.;Rowland, J.;Iturrieta, P.;Morata, D.;Cembrano, J. Fault-controlled development of shallow hydrothermal systems: structural and mineralogical insights from the Southern Andes. AGU Fall-Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA. Dic. 2017 (2017)
ACTAS AGU FALL-MEETING 2017, New Orleans, USA. Dic. 2017
Mitchell, T.,
Cembrano, J., Fujita, K., Hoshino, K., Faulkner, D., Perez-Flores, P.,
Arancibia, G., Rempe, M., Gomila, R. 2017. Fluid inclusion evidence of co-seismic fluid flow induced by dynamic rupture. In: Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of fault properties during seismic rupture, Geophysical Monograpgh 227, pages 36- 45. American Geophysical Union Series Wiley Books, Thomas, M., Mitchell, T. and Bhat, H. (eds), ISBN: 978-1-119-15688-8, 312 pages. (2017)
American Geophysical Union Series Wiley Books, Geophysical Monograph 227 36- 45
Journal of Structural Geology 96 134-148
Wrage J., Tardani D., Reich M., Daniele L.,
Arancibia G.,
Cembrano J., Sánchez-Alfaro P., Morata D. and Pérez-Moreno R. (2017)
Chemical Geology 466 545-561
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 473 7182
Mineralium Deposita 52 4 595-620
Pérez-Flores P., Wang G., Mitchell T.M., Meredith P.G., Nara Y., Sarkar V. and
Cembrano J. (2017)
Journal of Structural Geology 104 142-158
Quaternary International 438 Part A 33-49
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 184 193-211
Journal of Structural Geology 83 103-120
Sánchez-Alfaro P., Reich M.,
Arancibia G., Pérez-Flores P.,
Cembrano J., Driesner T., Lizama M., Rowland J., Morata D., Heinrich C.A., Tardani D. and Campos E. (2016)
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 324 88104
Stanton-Yonge A., Griffith W.A.,
Cembrano J., Julien R.St. and Iturrieta P. (2016)
Tectonics 35 9 1990-2013
Tectonophysics 680 192-210
Sánchez-Alfaro P., Reich M., Driesner T.,
Cembrano J.,
Arancibia G., Pérez-Flores P., Heinrich C.A., Rowland J., Tardani D., Lange D. and Campos E. (2016)
Ore Geology Reviews 79 463-473
Lizama, M., Reich, M., Sánchez-Alfaro, P., Pérez-Flores, P.,
Cembrano, J., Morata, D.,
Arancibia, G. 2015. Alteración hidrotermal en el pozo Tol-1, Sistema Geotermal Tolhuaca, Chile: un nuevo modelo de capa sello en sistemas geotermales andinos. XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, 5 al 9 de octubre, La Serena, Chile. (2015)
XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, 5 al 9 de octubre 2015, La Serena, Chile
Geologycal Society of American Bulletin
Sanchez-Alfaro, P., Pérez-Flores, P., Tardani, D., Reich, M.,
Arancibia, G.,
Cembrano, J. 2015. Crustal Deformation Effects on the Chemical Evolution of Geothermal Systems: Case Studies from Southern Andes. World Geothermal Congress, April 19-24, Melbourne, Australia. (2015)
World Geothermal Congress, April 19-24, 2015, Melbourne, Australia.
Geosphere 11 5 1-26
Veloso, A., Neira, S., Siña, A., Vivanco, M.,
Cembrano, J.,
Arancibia, G., Heuser, G., Garrido, I. 2015. Etapas de Alteración/Mineralización en el Depósito de Dominga (Fe-Cu), Región de Coquimbo. XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, 5 al 9 de octubre, La Serena, Chile. (2015)
XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, 5 al 9 de octubre 2015, La Serena, Chile.
Santibañez, I.,
Cembrano, J.,
Yañez, G., Gonzalez, G.,
Arancibia, G., Cortes, J., García, T. 2015. Fallas Corticales en Chile y sus implicaciones en la evaluación del Peligro Sísmico. XI Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, ACHISINA 2015, 18 al 20 de marzo, Santiago, Chile (2015)
XI Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica,
Gomila R.; Arancibia, G.; Mitchell, T.; Cembrano, J.; Faulkner, D. 2015. Fault zones permeability structure within the brittle crust: Microstructural estimations at the time of fracture sealing. XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, 5 al 9 de octubre, La Serena, Chile (2015)
XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, 5 al 9 de octubre 2015, La Serena, Chile
Tectonophysics 664 244-255
Zellmer G., Freymuth H.,
Cembrano J., Clavero J., Veloso E. and Sielfeld G. (2014)
Journal of the Geological Society
Aron, F. Cembrano, J., Astudillo, F., Allmendinger, RW. and
Arancibia, G. 2014. Constructing forearc architecture over megathrust seismic cycles: Geological snapshots from the Maule earthquake region, Chile Geological Society of America Bulletin, doi:10.1130/B31125 (2014)
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Arancibia, G., Fujita, K., Hoshino, K., Mitchell, T.,
Cembrano, J., Gomila, R., Morata, D., Faulkner, D., Rempe, M. 2014. Hydrothermal alteration in an exhumed cristal fault zone: Testing geochemical mobility in the Caleta Coloso Fault, Atacama Fault System, Northern Chile. Tectonophysics, 623: 147-168 (2014)
Techtonophysics Tectonophysics,
Arancibia G., Fujita K., Hoshino K., Mitchell T.,
Cembrano J., Gomila R., Morata D., Faulkner D. and Rempe M. (2014)
Tectonophysics 623 147-168
Local Stress fieldspaleo-fluid distribution within a transtensional duplex: An example from the northern termination of the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System. Perez-Flores, P. Cembrano, J. and Sanchez-Alfaro, P. AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco 2014. USA (2014)
AGU Fall meeting.
Daniele Tardani1, Martin Reich1, Yuji Sano2, Naoto Takahata2, Hsinyi Wen3, Emilie Roulleau1, Pablo Sanchez-Alfaro1, José-María González-Jiménez1, Hiroshi Shinohara4, Tsanyao F Yang5, Jose M Cembrano6Gloria Arancibia6, (1)University of Chile, Department of Geology and Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA), Santiago, Chile, (2)University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, (3)Department of Geoscience, National Taiwan University, Department of Geoscience, Taipei, Taiwan, (4)Geological Survey Japan AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, (5)NTU National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, (6)Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile (2014)
Agu Fall meeting, San Francisc USA
Rodrigo Gomila1, 2, Gloria Arancibia1, 2, Jose M Cembrano1, 2, Thomas M Mitchell3, Daniel Roy Faulkner4 and Erik Jensen Siles5, (1)Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, (2)Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA, FONDAP-CONICYT), Santiago, Chile, (3)University College London, London, United Kingdom, (4)University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom, (5)Católica del Norte University, Antofagasta, Chile (2014)
Agu Fall meeting, San Francisc USA
Sielfeld, G. Cembrano, J. Lara, LE. Transtension controlling volcanic morphology: Insights from oblique-to-the-arc tectonic domains. AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco 2014. USA (2014)
AGU Fall meeting
Sánchez, P., Pérez, P.,
Arancibia, G.,
Cembrano, J., Reich, M.(2013) Crustal Deformation effects on the chemical evolution of geothermal systems: the intra-arc LiquiñeOfqui fault system, Southern Andes. International Geology Review. Volume 55, Issue 11, 1st August 2013, Pages 1384-1400 (2013)
International Geology Review 55 11 1384-1400
International Geology Review 55 11 1384-1400
Santibanez, I.,
Cembrano, J., Gonzalez, G., Aron, F., Yañez, G. 2013 Crustal Faults in the Chilean Andes: Tectonic significance and implications for geologic hazard. AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco 2013. USA. (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
Fujita, K., Mitchell, T.,
Cembrano, J., Hoshino, K., Perez-Flores, P., Faulkner, D.,
Arancibia, G., Gomila, R., Rempe, M. 2013. Fluid inclusion evidence of post-seismic fluid flow induced by dynamic rupture. Abstracts of AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco California, USA, 9-13 December. (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
Arancibia, G., Fujita, K., Hoshino, K., Mitchell, T.,
Cembrano, J., Gomila, R., Morata, D., Faulkner, D., Rempe, M. 2013. Hydrothermal alteration in an exhumed cristal fault zone: geochemical mobility in the Caleta Coloso Fault, Atacama Fault System, Northern Chile. Abstracts of AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco California, USA, 9-13 December. (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
Sielfeld G.,
Cembrano, J.2013, AGU meeting Oblique-to-the-orogen fault systemsit causal relationship withvolcanismgeothermal activity in Central Southern Chile: Insights on ENE and NW regional lineaments AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco 2013. USA (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
Pérez-Flores, P., Veloso, E.,
Cembrano, J. Sánchez, P., Iriarte, S., Lohmar, S. 2013. Paleomagnetic Reorientation of Structural Elements in Drill Cores: an example from Tolhuaca Geothermal Field. AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco 2013. USA (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
Journal of Geophysical Research 118 1-16
Aron, F., R. Allmendinger, J. Cembrano, G. González, G. Yáñez (2013) Permanent Forearc Extension and Seismic Segmentation: Insights from the 2010 Maule Earthquake, Chile. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth., Volume 118, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 724-739 (2013)
Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth 118 2 724-739
Allmendinger, R. W., González, G.,
Cembrano, J., Aron, F., & Yáñez, G. (2013). Splay fault slip during the Mw 8.8 2010 Maule Chile earthquake: COMMENT. Geology. 41(12), e309e309. doi:10.1130/G34326C.1. (2013)
Geology 41 12 e-309
Perez-Flores, P., Sanchez, P., Sielfeld, G.,
Cembrano, J., 2013. Tectonics, magmatism and fluid flow in a transtensional strike-slip setting: The northern termination of the dextral strike-slip Liquiñe-Ofqui fault System, Chile. ID 1667970. AGU Meeting of the Americas 2013. Mexico. (2013)
Abstract of American Geophysical Union Meeting of the Americas, 2013
Cembrano, J., Perez-Flores, P., Sánchez P., Sielfeld, G., Tectonics, magmatism and fluid flow in a transtensional strike-slip setting: The northern termination of the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault System, Chile. AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco 2013. USA. (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
Gomila, R., Mitchell, T.,
Arancibia, G., Jensen, E., Rempe, M.,
Cembrano, J., Faulkner, D. 2013.The damage and geochemical signature of a crustal scale strike-slip fault zone. Abstracts of AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco California, USA, 9-13 December. (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
Sánchez, P., Pérez, P., Reich, M.,
Arancibia, G.,
Cembrano, J. 2013. The interplay between fault-fracture networks activity, fluid flow and mineralization in the Andes: A case study in the Tolhuaca geothermal system, southern Chile. Abstracts of AGU Meeting of the Americas 2013, Cancun, Mexico, 14-17 May. (2013)
Abstracts of American Geophysical Union Meeting of the Americas 2013
Sanchez, P., Perez-Flores, P., Reich, M.,
Arancibia, G.,
Cembrano, J., 2013. The interplay between fault-fracture networks activity, fluid flow and mineralization in the Andes: A case study in the Tolhuaca geothermal system, southern Chile. ID 1667924. AGU Meeting of the Americas 2013. Mexico. (2013)
Abstract of American Geophysical Union Meeting of the Americas, 2013
Cembrano, J. 2013. The interplay between tectonics and volcanism: a key to unravel the nature of Andean geothermal systems. Abstract Control ID: 1667123. Invited talk to the AGU Meeting of the Americas, 14-17 May 2013, Mexico. (2013)
Keynote lecture; Invited talk to the AGU Meeting of the Americas, 14-17 May 2013, Mexico.
Pablo Sánchez, Pamela Pérez-Flores , Gloria Arancibia , José Cembrano & Martin Reich (2013): Crustal deformation effects on the chemical evolution of geothermal systems: the intra-arc LiquiñeOfqui fault system, Southern Andes, International Geology Review, DOI:10.1080/00206814.2013.775731 (2012)
International Geology Review 55 1-17
Sánchez P., Pérez P.,
Arancibia G.,
Cembrano J., Reich M. (2012) Efectos de la deformación cortical en la evolución química de los fluidos geotermales: Caso estudio Villarrica-Chihuio, sistema de Falla Liquiñe-Ofqui. XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile. Antofagasta. (2012)
XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile
Gomila R.,
Arancibia G., Hoshino K.,
Cembrano J, (2012). Geochemical and synkinematical nature of hydrothermal fluids in a Mesozoic tip-fault within the Atacama Fault System. XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile. Antofagasta. (2012)
XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile. Antofagasta.
Rodrigo Gomila, Thomas M Mitchell, Gloria Arancibia, ErikJensen, Marieke Rempe, Jose M Cembrano, Kenichi Hoshino, Dan Faulkner (2012)
Anzaldo Y., Veloso E.,
Arancibia G.,
Cembrano J., (2012). Geometría y dirección de propagacion de fracturas y vetas en la zona terminal de la Falla Bolfín, Zona de Falla Atacama, Norte de Chile (2012)
XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile
Pérez P et al.., Sánchez P.,
Arancibia, G.,
Cembrano J., Veloso E., Lohman Silke., Stimac J., Reich M., Rubilar J., (2012) Samplingdetailed structural mapping of veins, fault-veins and faults from Tolhuaca Geothermal System Southern Chile. XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile. Antofagasta. (2012)
XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile. Antofagasta.
Aron F.,
Cembrano J., Allmendinger R.W., Astudillo F., Arancibia G., (2012) Structural Geology of the Actie Forearc above the Maule Megathrust: Traces of Long-lived Subduction Segment. XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile. Antofagasta. (2012)
XIII Congreso Geológico de Chile. Antofagasta.
Aron, F.,
Cembrano, J., Allmendinger, R. W., Astudillo, F.,
Arancibia, G. 2012. Structural Geology of the Active Forearc above the Maule Megathrust: Traces of a Long-lived Subduction Segment. In: Abstracts of XIII Congreso Geológico Chileno, Antofagasta, Chile, 5 al 9 de agosto. (2012)
Aron, F., Allmendinger, R. W.,
Cembrano, J.,
Arancibia, G., Astudillo, F. Structural Geology of the Active Forearc above the Maule Megathrust: Traces of a Long-lived Subduction Segment. 2012. In: Abstracts of AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco California, USA, 3-7 December. (2012)
American Geophysical Union`s Fall Meeting
Reich, M.,
Arancibia, G., Pérez, P., Sánchez, P.,
Cembrano, J., Lohmar, S., Stimac, J. 2012. The feedback between active tectonics, fluid flow and mineralization in an Andean geothermal reservoir: a case study from the Tolhuaca system, southern Chile. Abstracts of AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco California, USA, 3-7 December. (2012)
American Geophysical Union`s Fall Meeting
Journal of Structural Geology 33 11 1611-1626
Contardo, X., Kukowski, N.,
Cembrano, JM. (2011)
Tectonophysics 513 1-4 20-36
Arriagada C.,
Arancibia G.,
Cembrano J., Martinez F., Carrizo D., Van Sint Jan M.,
Saez E., Gonzalez G., Rebolledo S., Sepulveda S., Contreras-Reyes E., Jensen E. and
Yañez G. (2011)
Journal of Structural Geology 33 5 891-897
Faulkner D.R., Mitchell T.M., Jensen E. and
Cembrano J. (2011)
Journal of Geophysical Research 116 B05403
Legrand D., Barrientos S., Bataille K.,
Cembrano J. and Pavez A. (2011)
Continental Shelf Research 31 3-4 154-161
Andean Geology 37 2 473-497