Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Ongoing Improvement Plan

The Ongoing Improvement Plan of the UC School of Engineering has the goal of ensuring student competencies align with international standards. This objective is achieved through the following Plan activities:

  • Construction and validation of rubrics by a transversal committee of School professors
  • Routine competency assessments of School professors and instructors
  • Evaluation of competency achievements by management within each degree program

In further support of the Ongoing Improvement Plan, the Office of Education in Engineering is responsible for:

  • Biannual workshops for professors, instructors, and teaching assistants regarding competency measurements
  • Biannual workshops for professors, instructors, and teaching assistants about capstone courses
  • Construction of instruments that complement course exams
  • Technological tools to facilitate documenting Plan processes/activities for accreditation purposes

The Ongoing Improvement Platform is the technological solution used to:

  • Record the distribution of competencies needed to pass the distinct courses within a degree program
  • Describe how the competencies for passing distinct courses are evaluated through different performance indicators
  • Document evidence required for international accreditation processes (public access)
  • For more information on the functions of this platform, please watch the Video Tutorials

Visit the Ongoing Improvement Platform here.

Contact: Isabel Hilliger, Subdirector of Measures, Evaluations, and Quality ihillige@ing.puc.cl