Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Lukkap alliance

The UC School of Engineering, in alliance with Lukkap Chile, a leader in outplacement, wants to offer alumni different alternatives for facing job transitions and determining the roadmap needed to go from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow.

All professionals reach a point in their career where they decide change is needed. This desire for change can be due to personal/family reasons, being let go from a company, or because one feels their interests and motivations are no longer the same as they were years ago.

Through this alliance, alumni are given access to:

  • A basic advice guide for facing changes in employment.
  • Work Transition Programs, offered at preferential prices, that will allow you to:
      • Receive guidance from a specialized coach.
      • Minimize the time between jobs, increase your chances of success, and achieve a better fit between your career projections and your ideal position.
      • Discern if the best career path for you is being rehired, entrepreneurship, or active retirement.
  • Career Coaching Program, at a preferential price, that will allow you to:
      • Receive guidance from a specialized coach.
      • Define the vision and goals for your career and professional development.
      • Establish short and mid-term plans for your future career path.

We recommend you schedule an evaluation session with one of our experts who can help you identify the best program for you.

See a summary of programs here.

Schedule an evaluation session here.

For more information, contact to colocaciones@ing.puc.cl.