Yelitza Delgado, Natalia Tapia, Martín Muñoz-Morales, Álvaro Ramirez, Javier Llanos, Ignacio Vargas & Francisco Jesús Fernández-Morales (2024)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Torres-Rojas F., Hernandez P.,
Vargas I., Nancucheo I. (2023)
Cabezas A., Cercado B., Chouchane H., Corton E., Gomaa O., Harnisch F., Limson J., Spiller V.,
Vargas I. (2023)
Munoz-Arango D., Torres -Rojas F., Tapia N., Vega M., Alvear C.,
Pizarro G.,
Pasten P., Cortes S., Vega A., Calderon R., Nerenberg R.,
Vargas I. (2023)
Daille L., Spear J., Beech I.,
Vargas I., de la Iglesia R. (2023)
Torres-Rojas F., Munoz D., Canales C., Hevia S., Leyton F., Veloso N., Isaacs M.,
Vargas I. (2023)
Simon F.,
Gironas J., Rivera J., Vega A., Arce G., Molinos-Senante M.,
Jorquera H., Flamant G., Bustamante W., Greene M.,
Pasten P., Cortes S., Rivera J., Vega A., Flamant G.,
Vargas I., Suarez F. (2023)
Heliyon 9 7
Torres-Rojas F., Muñoz D., Canales C.,
Vargas I. (2022)
Bioelectrochemistry 108171
Vega M., Ontiveros A.,
Vargas I., Nerenberg R. (2022)
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
De La Fuente M.J., De la Iglesia R., Farias L., Glasner B., Torres-Rojas F., Muñoz D., Daims H., Lukumbuzya M.,
Vargas I. (2022)
Journal of Environmental Management 323 116294
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 https://www.scienced
Bioelectrochemistry 145 108058
De La Fuente M.J., Gallardo-Bustos C., De la IglesiaR.,
Vargas I. (2022)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 4 2411
Materials 1 15 379
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 221 112955
Cantillo-Gonzalez A., Anguita J., Rojas C.,
Vargas I.T (2022)
Micromachines 13 11 1953
Journal of Hazardous Materials 126733
De La Fuente M.J., De la Iglesia R., Farias L., Daims H., LukumbuzyaM.,
Vargas I. (2021)
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Baldanzi S.,
Vargas I., Armijo F., Fernández M., Navarrete S. (2021)
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 202 111656
Díaz-Rullo J., Rodríguez-Valdecantos G., Torres-Rojas F., Cid L.,
Vargas I., González B., González-Pastor J. (2021)
Frontiers in Microbiology
Canales C., Galarce C., Rubio F., Pineda F., Anguita J., Barros R., Parragué M., Daille L., Aguirre J., Armijo F.,
Pizarro G.,
Walczak M., De la Iglesia R., Navarrete S.,
Vargas I. (2021)
Torres-Rojas F., Muñoz D., Tapia N., Canales C.,
Vargas I.T. (2020)
Bioresource Technology 315 123818
Water 12 4 1036
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 2 124
Materials 13 10 2327
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 141 107692
Materials 12 22 3676
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 14 2305 2320
Science of the Total Environment
D.A. Fischer, I.T. Vargas, G.E. Pizarro, F. Armijo, M. Walczak, (2019)
Electrochimica Acta
Biodegradation 29 1 59-69
Sensors 18 1 9pp
Science of the Total Environment 645 15 471-481
Araneda I., Tapia N.F., Lizama Allende K. and
Vargas I.T. (2018)
Water 10 7 9pp
Environmental Research 164 316-326
ChemElectroChem 5 23 3633-3638
Materials 10 9 30pp
Rojas C.,
Vargas I.T., Bruns M.A. and Regan J.M. (2017)
Bioelectrochemistry 118 139-146
Ecological Engineering 108 203-210
Progress in Organic Coatings 113 175-184
Water 8 11 9pp
Water Science and Technology-Water Supply 16 4 881-887
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 11 6873-6885
Journal I3 Escuela de Ingeniería UC 6
Corrosion Science 80 473-481
Bioelectrochemistry 97 23-33
Bioelectrochemistry 97 15-22
Science of the Total Environment 466-467 490-502
Primer Congreso Nacional de Corrosión. Santiago, Chile.
Primer Congreso Nacional de Corrosión. Santiago, Chile.
Primer Congreso Nacional de Corrosión. Santiago, Chile
Eurocorr 2013, Book of Abstracts
Primer Congreso Nacional de Corrosión. Santiago, Chile.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 110 11 3059-3062
Eurocorr 2013, Book of Abstracts
I. Vargas and John Regan. Biocathode Development Using Acid Mine Drainage Inoculum. NA-ISMET 2012. Ithaca, NY (USA) 8-10 Octubre 2012. (2012)
NA-ISMET. Cornell University, Estados Unidos. 8-10 de Oct 2012
I. Vargas, G. Pizarro, R. Cienfuegos. Biocorrosión de Cobre en Sistemas de Distribución de Agua Potable. LATINCORR 2012. Lima, Perú. 10-13 Julio 2012. (2012)
Latincorr 2012. Lima, Perú
G. Pizarro, I. Vargas, G. Calle. Modelling MIC copper release from drinking water pipes. EUROCORR 2012. Estambul, Turquía. European Federation of Corrosion. 9-13 Septiembre 2012. (2012)
Eurocorr 2012. Estambul, Turquía
I. Vargas, G. Pizarro, M. Felis, J. Corthorn, S. Acevedo. Multi-technique approach to understand the effects of bacterial communities involved in copper plumbing corrosion. EUROCORR 2012. Estambul, Turquía. European Federation of Corrosion. 9-13 Septiembre 2012. (2012)
Eurocorr 2012. Estambul, Turquía
6th ASM Conference on Biofilms 2012. Miami, Estados Unidos. 29 Sept 4 Oct 2012
Eurocorr 2011, Estocolmo, Suecia
Eurocorr 2011. Estocolmo, Suecia
Vargas I and Regan J. Rumen-Derived Inoculum Enhances Stable Power Production in Air Cathode Microbial Fuel Cells. 3rd International Microbial Fuel Cell Conference. 6-8 June 2011 Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. (2011)
3rd International Microbial Fuel Cell Conference. Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Journal of Applied Microbiology 109 771-782
Eurocorr 2010. Moscow, Russia
Corrosion Science 52 2250-2257
Corrosion Science 52 10 3492-3503
Vargas, I. T., Mueller, M. S., Pasten, P. A. & Pizarro, G. E. (2009). Effect of Residual Chlorine on the Corrosion of Copper Pipes Processes in Household Drinking Water Systems. EUROCORR 2009. Nice, France. European Federation of Corrosion. 6-10 Sept 2009 (2009)
Corrosion Science 51 5 1030-1037
Environmental Science & Technology 41 21 7430-7436
Water Science and Technology 56 2 129-137
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society 46 1 647-651