Journal of Transport and Land Use 16 1 105-129
Ureta, G., R. Hurtubia, R. Giesen (2023) "Preferencias de localización y segmentación de agentes logísticos en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile". Revista Estudios de Transporte, Vol. 24, N° 1, Pág. 1-20. (2023)
Estudios de Transporte 24 1 1-20
Transport Policy 122 39-53
Journal of Transport Geography 102 103359
Mix R., Hurtubia R., Raveau S. (2022)
Transportation Research Part A 160 126-142
Tiznado-Aitken, I., R. HurtubiaJ. C. Munoz (2021) Chapter 16: Who gains in a distance-based public transport fare scheme? Accessibility, urban formequity implications in Santiago de Chile. In Urban FormAccessibility. Social, Economic, Environment Impacts. Edited by C. Mulley and J. D. Nelson. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 265-288. (2022)
Urban Form and Accessibility 265-288
Ramírez, T., Lobel, H.,
Hurtubia, R.: "Accounting for heterogeneity in the qualitative perception of public spaces: a Machine Learning and Discrete Choice Modelling approach", in International Conference on Transport Survey Methods (ISCTSC), Lisbon, Portugal, 2021. (2021)
International Conference on Transport Survey Methods (ISCTSC)
Cox T. Hurtubia R. (2021)
Journal of Regional Science
Transport Policy 109 48-60
Networks & Spatial Economics 21 199-228
Landscape and Urban Planning 208 104002
Journal of Transport Geography 90 102919
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 104174
Journal of Transport and Land Use 14 1 171-196
Journal of Choice Modelling 34 100198
Transportation Research Record 1-12
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Travel Behaviour and Society 20 62-73
Vecchio G., Tiznado-Aitken I. Hurtubia R. (2020)
Transport Reviews 1-28
Journal of Transport Geography 88 102857
Tiznado-Aitken, I., R. HurtubiaJ. C. Munoz (2021) Chapter 16: Who gains in a distance-based public transport fare scheme? Accessibility, urban formequity implications in Santiago de Chile. In Urban FormAccessibility. Social, Economic, Environment Impacts. Edited by C. Mulley and J. D. Nelson. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 265-288. (2020)
Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design
12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods
Guevara C.A., Tirachini A.,
Hurtubia R. and Dekker T. (2019)
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice
Landscape and Urban Planning 181 169-178
Bansal P.,
Hurtubia R., Tirachini A., Daziano R. (2019)
Journal of Choice Modelling 31 124-140
19° Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 12 10 701-713
Journal of Transport Geography 71 32-44
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 111 252-265
Transportation Research Record 2672 35 129-138
EURE 44 132 133-151
Bierlaire, M.,
Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G. (2010). An analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model (2017)
Transportation Research Record 2175 92-97
Martínez, F.
Hurtubia, R. (2006). Dynamic model for the simulation of equilibrium states in the land use market. Networks and Spatial Economics, 6, pp. 55-73. (2017)
Networks and Spatial Economics 6 1 55-73
Hurtubia, R., Bierlaire, M. (2014). Estimation of bid functions for location choiceprice modeling with a latent variable approach. Networks and Spatial Economics, 14, 47-65 (2017)
Networks and Spatial Economics 14 47-65
Tirachini A.,
Hurtubia R., Dekker T. and Daziano R.A. (2017)
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 103 311 - 326
Hurtubia, R., Nguyen, M., Glerum, A., Bierlaire, M. (2014). Integrating psychometric indicators in latent class choice models. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 64, 135-146 (2017)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 64 135-146
Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte
International Conference on Travel Behavior Research
Farooq, B., Bierlaire, M.,
Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G. (2013). Simulation based Synthesis of Population. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 58:243263 (2017)
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 58 243-263
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 3 365-377
Tiznado-Aitken, I.,
Muñoz, J. C. and
Hurtubia, R. (2016). Accesibilidad mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del nivel de servicio. Memorias del XIX Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística, Ciudad de México, 28 -30 de Septiembre. (2016)
Memorias del XIX Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística
Research in Transportation Economics 59 412-422
Niehaus, M.,
Galilea, P. and
Hurtubia, R. (2016). Accounting for access equity impacts of transport projects: Towards a wider assessment in the Latin American context. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, July 10-15. (2016)
Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research
Hurtubia, R., J.C. MunozI. Tiznado-Aitken (2016) How equitable is access to opportunities and basic services considering the impact of the level of service? ITF Discussion Paper 2016-15, OECD/ITF, Paris, France. (2016)
Rossetti, T., Saud, V.,
Galilea, P. and
Hurtubia, R. (2016). Identifying user preferences for cycling infrastructure design using latent class discrete choice models. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, July 10-15. (2016)
Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research
Lizana, A.,
Delgado, F.,
Hurtubia, R. and Palma, D. (2016). Modelación de la demanda por transporte terrestre desde aeropuertos: el caso de Santiago de Chile. Memorias del XIX Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística, Ciudad de México, 28 -30 de Septiembre. (2016)
Memorias del XIX Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística
EURE 42 127 185-207
Niehaus, M.,
Galilea, P. and
Hurtubia, R. (2015). Accesibilidad y equidad: ampliando la caja de herramientas para la planificación en transporte. Proceedings of the XVII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Concepción, Chile, October 13-15 (2015)
Actas del XVII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte
Niehaus, M.,
Galilea, P.
Hurtubia, R. (2015). Accessibilityequity indicators: approach for wider transport project assessment in Chile. International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (THREDBO 14), Santiago, Chile, August 30 - September 3 (2015)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (THREDBO 14
Hernandez, F.,
Hurtubia, R. and Munizaga, M. (2015). Identificación de la estructura espacial urbana a partir de datos pasivos de transporte público en Santiago de Chile. Proceedings of the XVII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Concepción, Chile, October 13-15 (2015)
Actas del XVII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte
Bierlaire, M., de Palma, A.,
Hurtubia, R.Waddell, P. (Eds.) (2015). Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities. EPFL Press / Routledge. ISBN: 978-0415729109 (2015)
Hurtubia, R., Daziano., R., Dekker, T.Tirachini, A. (2015) Measuring crowding and travel time trade-off in public transport using stated preferences data. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), Windsor, UK, July 19 - 23 (2015)
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)
Hurtubia, R.Bierlaire, M. (2015) Microsimulation for land use modeling: implementation challenges, in M. Bierlaire, A. de Palma, R. HurtubiaP. Waddell (Eds.), Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press / Routledge. (2015)
capítulo en M. Bierlaire, A. de Palma, R. Hurtubia and P. Waddell (Eds.), Integrated Transport and L
Waddell, P., de Palma, A., Bierlaire, M.
Hurtubia, R. (2015) SustainCity: Overviewintroduction, in M. Bierlaire, A. de Palma, R. HurtubiaP. Waddell (Eds.), Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press / Routledge. (2015)
capítulo en M. Bierlaire, A. de Palma, R. Hurtubia and P. Waddell (Eds.), Integrated Transport and L
Hurtubia, R., Guevara, A.Donoso, P. (2015). Using images to measure qualitative attributes of public spaces through SP surveys. Transport Survey Methods: Embracing Behavioural and Technological Changes Selected contributions from the 10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods 16-21 November 2014, Leura, Australia (2015)
Transportation Research Procedia 11 460 - 474
Navarro, I.,
Galilea, P. and
Hurtubia, R. (2015). Valoración de atributos urbanos en un corredor de buses usando experimentos de preferencias declaradas. Proceedings of the XVII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Concepción, Chile, October 13-15 (2015)
Actas del XVII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte