Astudillo, G., & Hilliger, I., & Baier, J., & Olmedo Saavedra, S. H. M. (2023, June), Social ties, mental well-being and academic self-regulation. Exploring effects through Structural Equation Modeling. Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland. (2023)
Hernandez C., Yeoh W.,
Baier J., Zhang H., Suazo L., Koenig S., Salzman O. (2023)
Baier, J. A., & Hilliger, I., & Hidalgo, X., & Piña, M. A., & Astudillo, G. (2023, June), The Well-being Teaching Assistant: A Proactive Approach to Caring for Students with Academic and Personal Difficulties in Massive Courses Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland. (2023)
Artificial Intelligence 303 103634
Asín-Achá R., López R., Hagedorn S.,
Baier J. (2022)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 75 323-350
Middleton, J.,
Toro Icarte, R., & Baier, J. (2022). Real-Time Heuristic Search with LTLf Goals. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 4785-4792). (2022)
Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 4785-4792
Rivera N.,
Baier J., Hernández C. (2022)
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 10345-10352
Rojas M., Sáez C.,
Baier J., Nussbaum M., Guerrero O., Rodríguez M. F. (2022)
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Pérez?Sanagustín, M., Sapunar?Opazo, D., Pérez?Álvarez, R.,
Hilliger, I., Bey, A., Maldonado?Mahauad, J.,
Baier J. (2021)
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 29 4 750-768
Piña, M. A., & Hilliger, I., & Baier, J. A., & Melian, C., & Ruz, C., & González, T. A. (2021, July), A Protocol to Follow-up with Students in Large-enrollment Courses Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. 10.18260/1-2--36603 (2021)
Hilliger, I., Fleet, C., Melian, C.,
Baier, J., & Pérez-Sanagustín, M. (2021). Offering an Entrepreneurship Course to All Engineering Students: Lessons Learned from ING2030 in Puc-Chile. Advances in Engineering Education. (2021)
Advances in Engineering Education 9 3 1-16
Hilliger, I., & Melian, C., & Meza, J. F., & Cortés, G., & Baier, J. A. (2021, July), Work in Progress: A Cross-sectional Survey Study for Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Engineering Students During COVID-19 Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. (2021)
Jorge Munoz-Gama, Raul Alvarez-Esteban, José Montalva-Carmona, Jorge A. Baier:FAIS: A System for Effectively Learning Students Names and Faces in Massive Courses. SCCC 2020: 1-5 (2020)
International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society 2020 Nov 1-5
Pérez M., Sapunar-Opazo D., Pérez-Álvarez R., Hilliger I., Bey A., Maldonado J., Baier J. (2020)
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Hernández Ullora C.,
Baier J.A., Asín-Achá R. (2020)
IEEE Access 8 116724-116732
Rivera N., Hernández C., Hormazábal N.,
Baier J.A. (2020)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 67 81-113
Carlos Hernández Ulloa, Jorge A. Baier, William Yeoh, Vadim Bulitko, Sven Koenig: A Learning-Based Framework for Memory-Bounded Heuristic Search: First Results. SOCS 2019: 178-179 (2019)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 178-179
Isabel Hilliger, Constanza Melian, Javiera Meza, Clementine Bechet and Jorge Baier. A2: Evaluación de Programa de Apoyo para el Aprendizaje de Cálculo para Estudiantes de Primer Año de Ingeniería. SOCHEDI 2019 (2019)
Actas del Congreso de la Sociedad Chilena de Educación en Ingeniería
Rodrigo N. Gómez, Carlos Hernández, Jorge A. Baier:Compiling Cost-Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding to ASP. SOCS 2019: 174-175 (2019)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 174-175
Franco Muñoz, Miguel Fadic, Carlos Hernández, Jorge A. Baier:A Neural Network for Decision Making in Real-Time Heuristic Search. SOCS 2018: 173-177 (2018)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 173-177
Benjamín Kramm, Nicolas Rivera, Carlos Hernández, Jorge A. Baier: A Suboptimality Bound for 2k Grid Path Planning. SOCS 2018: 63-71 (2018)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 63-71
Alberto Camacho, Christian J. Muise, Jorge A. Baier, Sheila A. McIlraith: LTL Realizability via Safety and Reachability Games. IJCAI 2018: 4683-4691 (2018)
Marcelo Arenas, Jorge A. Baier, Juan S. Navarro, Sebastian Sardiña: On the Progression of Situation Calculus Universal Theories with Constants. KR 2018: 484-493 (2018)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) 484-493
Alberto Camacho, Christian J. Muise, Jorge A. Baier, Sheila A. McIlraith: SynKit: LTL Synthesis as a Service. IJCAI 2018: 5817-5819 (2018)
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 5817-5819
Jorge Baier, Dietrich Daroch, Juan L. Reutter, Domagoj Vrgoc:Evaluating Navigational RDF Queries over the Web. HT 2017: 165-174 (2017)
ACM Hypertext 165-174
Nicolás Hormazábal, Antonio Díaz, Carlos Hernández, Jorge A. Baier: Fast and Almost Optimal Any-Angle Pathfinding Using the 2k Neighborhoods. SOCS 2017: 139-143 (2017)
Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 139-143
Nicolas Rivera, Carlos Hernández, Jorge A. Baier:Grid Pathfinding on the 2k Neighborhoods. AAAI 2017: 891-897 (2017)
Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 891-897
Alberto Camacho, Eleni Triantafillou, Christian J. Muise, Jorge A. Baier, Sheila A. McIlraith:Non-Deterministic Planning with Temporally Extended Goals: LTL over Finite and Infinite Traces. AAAI 2017: 3716-3724 (2017)
Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 3716-3724
Carlos Hernández, Adi Botea, Jorge A. Baier, Vadim Bulitko:Online Bridged Pruning for Real-Time Search with Arbitrary Lookaheads. IJCAI 2017: 510-516 (2017)
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 510-516
Jorge BaierDietrich DarochJuan ReutterDomagoj Vrgoc (2016)
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 165-174
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 907-914
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 56 547-571
Baier J.A., Botea A., Harabor D. and Hernández C. (2015)
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7 2 193-199
Artificial Intelligence 225 1-23
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 1696-1703
Hernández C., Uras T., Koenig S.,
Baier J.A., Sun X. and Meseguer P. (2015)
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 29 5 850-895
Carlos Hernández, Roberto Asín, Jorge A. Baier:Reusing Previously Found A* Paths for Fast Goal-Directed Navigation in Dynamic Terrain (2015)
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 1158-1164
Jorge A. Baier, Adi Botea, Daniel Harabor, Carlos Hernández (2014)
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games,
Jorge A. Baier, Brent Mombourquette, Sheila A. McIlraith:Diagnostic Problem Solving via Planning with Ontic and Epistemic Goals. KR 2014 (2014)
International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Carlos Hernández, Jorge A. Baier, Roberto Asín:Making A* Run Faster than D*-Lite for Path-Planning in Partially Known Terrain. ICAPS 2014 (2014)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
Nicolas Rivera, Leon Illanes, Jorge A. Baier:Real-Time Pathfinding in Unknown Terrain via Reconnection with an Ideal Tree. IBERAMIA 2014: 69-80 (2014)
Proceedings of the Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA) 69-80
Rivera N., Illanes L.,
Baier J.A. and Hernández C. (2014)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 50 235-264
Nicolas Rivera, Leon Illanes, Jorge Baier, Carlos Hernandez (2014)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 50 235-264
Carlos Hernández, Tansel Uras, Sven Koenig, Jorge A. Baier, Xiaoxun Sun, Pedro Meseguer (2014)
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Carlos Hernández, Roberto Asín, Jorge A. Baier:Time-Bounded Best-First Search. SOCS 2014 (2014)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS)
Carlos Hernández, Jorge A. Baier:Toward a Search Strategy for Anytime Search in Linear Space Using Depth-First Branch and Bound. SOCS 2014 (2014)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS)
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Adi Botea, Jorge Baier, Daniel Harabor, Carlos Hernandez (2013)
Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
Nicolas Rivera, Leon Illanes, Jorge Baier, Carlos Hernandez (2013)
Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Combinatorial Search
Nicolas Rivera, Jorge Baier, Carlos Hernandez (2013)
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMA
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 43 523-570
Carlos Hernández, Jorge Baier, Tansel Uras, Sven Koenig (2012)
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Combinatorial Search
Agrawal V.,
Baier J., Bekris K., Chen Y., d'Avila Garcez A., Hitzler P., Haslum P., Jannach D., Law E., Lecue F., Lamb L., Matuszek C., Palacios H., Srivastava B., Shastri L., Sturtevant N., Stern R., Tellex S. and Vassos S. (2012)
AI Magazine 33 4 119-126
Carlos Hernández, Jorge Baier, Tansel Uras, Sven Koenig (2012)
Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems
AI Communications 24 4 347-348
Shirin Sohrabi, Jorge Baier, Sheila McIlraith. Diagnosis as Planning Revisited. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-10) (2010)
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and R 26-36
Artificial Intelligence 173 5-6 593-618
Shirin Sohrabi, Jorge A. Baier, Sheila McIlraith (2009)
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
AI Magazine 29 4 25-36
Wechsler K.,
Baier J., Nussbaum M., Baeza R. (2004)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3129 315-324
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 15 4 383-405
Jorge Baier (2002) On procedure recognition in the Situation Calculus XXII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC'02) (2002)