Charla Magistral: Sustainable Concrete Structures through service life design and eco-efficient concretes

Esta actividad se desarrolló exitosamente en el Auditorio San Agustín de 14:00 a 15:20 hrs. el día 4 de abril de 2017 con la participación del profesor Harald Müller

Nuestro departamento organizó con el profesor Mauricio López una interesante Charla Magistral: «Sustainable Concrete Structures through service life design and eco-efficient concretes», con la experiencia de Harald Müller quien expuso sobre las tecnologías innovadoras de construcción con hormigón.
Esta actividad se desarrolló exitosamente en el Auditorio San Agustín de 14:00 a 15:20 hrs. el día 4 de abril de 2017.

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Harald S. Müller, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Current times and demands require the ability to contribute to the social development of counties by creating sustainable structures. In particular, sustainable concrete structures cannot be concieved without proper design, construction, operation and recycling/disposal. Because of this, concrete structures face many new challenges that are much more dificult to solve than just havig an adequate mechanical strength. Concrete structures need to resist, last, and contribure positively to the environment. The presentation is going to show such challenges and key concepts to adress them.

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