Seminario con Keith Molenaar, Universidad de Colorado en Boulder

Como parte de la cooperación internacional para el proyecto Fondecyt 1130520 “A knowledge-based approach to support risk management in construction projects”, nos visita el profesor Keith Molenaar

Nuestro Departamento ICC por medio del Proyecto Fondecyt, organiza un Seminario sin costo el día lunes 17 de marzo de 2014, en el Aula de Clases de sus localidades desde las 15:00 a las 17:00 horas.

Como parte de la cooperación internacional para el proyecto Fondecyt 1130520 “A knowledge-based approach to support risk management in construction projects”, nos visita el profesor Keith Molenaar con el tema:

Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis on Major International Projects

Major design and construction projects require the coordination of a complex set of resources.  Political and management challenges often outweigh technical and engineering complexities.  Owners are more frequently using risk-based Monte Carlo analyses of cost and schedule estimates to better understand the uncertainties involved in the design and construction of large international projects.  This seminar will present an overview of risk-based cost and schedule estimate through case studies of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in the United States, the Panama Canal Expansion in Panama and the ITER Tokamak Fusion project in France.

Keith Molenaar
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, University of Colorado at Boulder
Department Chair
K. Stanton Lewis Professor
Construction Engineering Management Program
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado at Boulder