Barrionuevo G.,
Ramos-Grez J., Sanchez-Sanchez X., Zapata-Hidalgo D., Mullo J., Puma-Araujo S. (2024)
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 8 1
La Fé-Perdomo I.,
Ramos-Grez J., Quiza R., Jeria I, Guerra C. (2023)
Rapid Prototyping Journal 1-16
Smart Materials and Structures 32 4
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 43 106-114
Metals 13 3
Arcos C., Guerra C.,
Ramos J., Sancy M. (2023)
Materials 16 10
Construction and Building Materials 371
La Fe-Perdomo I.,
Ramos J., Jeria I., Guerra C., Zambrano-Robledo P. (2023)
Progress in Additive Manufacturing
Barrionuevo G., Sequeira?Almeida P., Ríos S., Ramos?Grez J., Williams S. (2022)
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 76 758.770
La Fé-Perdomo I.,
Ramos-Grez J., Jería I., Guerra C., Barrionuevo O. (2022)
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 80 666-682
González M.,
Ramos-Grez J., Jeria I., Guerra C., Solis R., Carvajal L. (2022)
Optics & Laser Technology 157 108617
Rapid Prototyping Journal 1-12
Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications I II 1-11
Germán Omar Barrionuevo, Sergio Ríos, Stewart W. Williams and Jorge Andrés Ramos-Grez (2021) Comparative evaluation of machine learning regressors for the layer geometry prediction in wire arc additive manufacturing, IEEE conference proceedings (2021)
2021 IEEE 12th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (IC 186-190
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
INGENIUS-Revista Científica y Tecnológica 27 24-33
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 15
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability 12
SN Applied Sciences 13
Optics & Laser Technology 144 107386
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Rapid Prototyping Journal 30
Lasers battle against COVID-19 (2020)
Industrial Laser Solutions for Manufacturing
Iván La Fé-Perdomo, Gerardo Beruvides, Ramón Quiza, Jorge Ramos-Grez (2020) Multi-Objective Approaches Applied to Manufacturing Processes. Advances in Engineering Research, 38: 160-190 (2020)
Advances in Engineering Research 38 160-190
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 213 110576
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 140 455-465
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28 1 557-566
Materials 12 5 794
Germán O Barrrionuevo, Jorge A Ramos-Grez, Machine Learning for Optimizing Technological Properties of Wood Composite Filament-Timberfill Fabricated by Fused Deposition Modeling, International Conference on Applied Technologies, 2019 (2019)
International Conference on Applied Technologies ICAT 2019 Applied Technologies 119-132
Olivares, Nicolas; Olmos, Gabriel; Zunino, Daniel; Jahn , Wolfram; Sen, Mihir,
Ramos-Grez, Jorge (2018)Numerical Simulation of the Conduction Limited Laser Weld Pool Geometry by Vorticity-Stream Function Implementation Coupled with the Rosenthal Solution.Memorias IV ICONWELD, pp. 123-135, 6 al 8 de agosto de 2018, Lima - Perú (2019)
MEMORIAS IV Conferencia Internacional de Soldadura y Unión de Materiales - ICONWELD 2018 123-135
Olivares, Nicolas; Olmos, Gabriel; Zunino, Daniel; Jahn , Wolfram; Sen, Mihir,
Ramos-Grez, Jorge (2018)Numerical Simulation of the Conduction Limited Laser Weld Pool Geometry by Vorticity-Stream Function Implementation Coupled with the Rosenthal Solution.Memorias IV ICONWELD, pp. 123-135, 6 al 8 de agosto de 2018, Lima - Perú (2018)
IV ICONWELD 2018 123-135
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 100 1-8
Fernando P. Alvarez, Alicia I. Durán, Roberto Jorquera, Magdalena Walczak y Jorge A. Ramos-Grez (2018) Thermal Modelling of the F-5 Fighter Afterburner , MECOM 2018, Argentina (2018)
Proceedings MECOM 2018
E Ramos-Moore, A Rosenkranz, L F Matamala, A Videla, A Durán and J Ramos-Grez 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 258 012009 (2017)
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 258 9
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 105 8 2241-2251
Gutowski T., Jiang S., Cooper D., Corman G., Hausmann M., Manson J-A., Schudeleit T., Wegener K., Sabelle M.,
Ramos-Grez J. and Sekulic D.P. (2017)
Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 S1 S69-S79
Minerals Engineering 109 21-31
Rapid Prototyping Journal 23 2 329-336
Journal of Laser Applications 28 2 8pp
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 86 5 2187-2196
Journal of Laser Applications 27 3 8pp
Medical Engineering & Physics 37 3 328-334
Sahlo F., Cuellar J., Pérez A., Fields A.J., Campos M. and
Ramos-Grez J. (2015)
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 18 8 890-899
Lasers in Engineering 24 3-4 199-216
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 134 3 12 (pages)
Alister F.,
Ramos J. and Vargas A. (2012)
International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 8 3 311318
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 59 9-12 1037-1045
Rapid Prototyping Journal 18 6 431-442
Ramos Grez, Jorge, (2012) Touchless Forge, Industrial Laser Solutions for Manufacturing, 27, 3, pp. 17-19. (2012)
Industrial Laser Solutions for Manufacturing 27 3 17-19
Materials Letters 65 19-20 29472950
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 40 10 e8-e9
Rapid Prototyping Journal 16 5 356-364
Ibañez A, Ramirez C, Baar A, Martinez G, Thibaut G,
Ramos J., 2008, Estudio Biomecánico de resistencia en fémur porcino y predictibilidad de zona de fractura. Rev Chilena Ortop y Traum 2008; 49: 64-70. ISSN: 0716-4548. (2010)
Rev Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatologia 49 64-70
Ramos-Grez, J. (2010) Industrial laser market in Chile.Industrial laser solutions for manufacturing. March 1. (2010)
Industrial laser solution for manufacturing
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 48 906-914
C. Arrieta, C. Tejos, J. Ramos, A. Vargas and P. Irarrazaval, Volumetric accuracy for rapid prototyping models, Actas de las Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica, Valparaíso, Chile, 2009. (2010)
Actas de las Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 5 26412647
Journal of Laser Applications 21 1 16-22
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 18 8 1144-1150
Soto L., Pavez C., Moreno J., Cardenas M., Tarifeno A., Silva P., Zambra M., Huerta L., Tenreiro C., Giordano J.L., Lagos M., Retamal C.,
Escobar R.,
Ramos J. and Altamirano L. (2008)
Physica Scripta T131 014031
Francisco Letellier and Jorge Ramos-Grez, Determination of Optimal Focal Position during CO2 Laser Cutting of MDFB Thick Sheets to Reduce Side Kerf Curvature, Proceedings of the 27th Intermational Conference on Applied Lasers & Electro Optics, Temecula, California, October 2008 (2008)
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Aplications of Lasers & Electro Optics
Sanz-Guerrero J.and Ramos-Grez J. (2008)
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 202 1-3 339-346
Amado-Becker A.,
Ramos-Grez J., Yañez M.J., Vargas Y. and Gaete L. (2008)
Rapid Prototyping Journal 14 5 260-270
Ibañez A, Ramirez C, Baar A, Martinez G, Thibaut G,
Ramos J., 2008, Estudio Biomecánico de resistencia en fémur porcino y predictibilidad de zona de
fractura. Rev Chilena Ortop y Traum 2008; 49: 64-70. ISSN: 0716-4548
Revista Chilena Ortopedia y Traumatología 49 64-70
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 130 3 0310061-0310067
Jorge Ramos-Grez , Jorge Peña, Carlos P. Vasquez, Surface micro hardness profilometry of raster scanned laser bent thin metal sheets, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion, Bremen, April 22-23, 2008 (2008)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion, Bremen, Apr
Jorge Ramos-Grez. Cálculo de las Constantes Elásticas de un Sólido Formado por Moléculas de Hidrógeno, Cuadernos de Mecánica Computacional, 5, 1, 2007, 73-83 (2007)
Cuadernos de Mecánica Computacional 5 1 73-83
Tomás Larraín, Jorge Ramos-Grez, José Montecinos, Control de la temperatura superficial de polvos metalúrgicos através de la intensidad y modulación espacial de un haz láser utilizando espejos galvanométricos, Anales del 8º Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica, Cuzco, 2007 (2007)
Jorge Sanz-GuerreroJorge Ramos-Grez, Copper powder densification by means of DMLF process: the effect of energy density inputoxidation, Proceeding of the 2nd Virtual Modelling and Rapid Manufacturing Conference, Leiria, 2007 (2007)
Virtual Modelling and Rapid Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping
Vasquez Ojeda, C.P.,
Ramos-Grez, J., Laser Bending of Thin Metal Sheet Plate Using a Low Output Power Laser Based Scanning System, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology, Bremen, September, 2007, 195-199 (2007)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology 195-199
Jorge Ramos-Grez, Jorge Sanz-Guerrero, Tomás Larraín, Andrés Ramírez, Direct Metal Laser Fabrication of Cu slabs from powder precursor: surface depth of melt and furnace temperature issues, Proceedings of the 17th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, Texas, August, 2006 (2006)
Proceedings of the 17th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 127 373-376
Felipe Amado-Becker, Ricardo A. Díaz, Jorge Ramos-Grez, Mechanical behavior of SLS components in relation to the building orientation during the sintering process as measured by ESPI, Proceeding of the 17th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, Texas, August, 2006 (2006)
Proceeding of the 17th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
"Jorge Ramos Grez (2005) ""ADVANCES ON SLS OF CU-BASED SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS"" 2nd International Conference on Advance Research and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria Portugal Este trabajo no alcanzo a publicarse en los proceedings de la conferencia" (2005)
International Journal of Materials & Product Technology 21 4 297-316
V. Bansal J.A. Ramos D.L. Bourell M.R. Govindaraju (2003) Development and Microstructural Analysis of TiC/TiC_Ni Coatings on 347H stainless steel using CO2 laser Scanning 22nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro Optics (2003)
H.Kyogoku J.A. Ramos J.L. Bourell (2003) Laser Melting of Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloy 14th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (2003)
J.A. Ramos D.L. Bourell (2003) Mechanics of Selective Laser Raster Scanning Surface Interaction 14th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (2003)
J.A. Ramos D.L. Bourell J.J. Beaman (2003) Surface Over-melt During Laser Polishing of Indirect-SLS Metal Parts Rapid Prototyping Technologies, Editors: A. Piqué, A. Holmes, D. Dimos (2003)
J.A. Ramos D.L. Bourell (2002) Modeling of Surface Roughness Enhancement of Indirect-SLS Metal Parts by Laser Surface Polishing Rapid Prototyping of Materials, Eds. F.D.S. Marquis and D.L. Bourell. A TMS Publications (2002)
J.A. Ramos D.L. Bourell M.R. Govindaraju (2002) Surface Modification of 347 Stainless Steel by Rapid Mirror Scanning of a High Power CO2 Laser Beam 21th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (2002)
Ramos, J., (2001) Creep Behaviour of Laser Bent Thin Metal Sheets 20th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro Optics (2001)
Govindaraju M.R. Ramos J. (2001) Laser Fusion Coatings for Improving Oxidation Resistance of Carbon-Carbon Composites 46th International SAMPE® Symposium & Exhibition (2001)
Ramos J.A., Bourell D.L., Govindaraju M.R. (2001) Laser Fusion Coatings of Functional Parts 12th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (2001)
Journal of Laser Applications 13 1 32-40
Ramos J., Lechuga F. (2000) Metallurgy Analysis of 4 kW Nd:YAG Butt Laser Welded Copperits Alloys 19th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro Optics (2000)
Lasers in Engineering 8 267-283
Lechuga F., Tyszka E.,
Ramos J., Bosman M., Timmermans C (1999) Operational Windows for Nd:YAG Laser Welding of Thin Sheets of CopperAlloys without Filler Material 18th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro Optics (1999)
Ramos J., Ovalle J. (1998) Analytical Determination of Impact Time Between 2-D Rigid Bodies (published in Spanish). VIII Congreso de Ingeniería Mecánica (1998)